Autodesk inventor 2017 not responding free. Inventor window title bar shows "Not Responding"

Autodesk inventor 2017 not responding free. Inventor window title bar shows "Not Responding"

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Autodesk inventor 2017 not responding free.


Start Inventor. Does it work? Net 4. If not, please go to microsoft. You need it to run To ensure I did the third thing suggested properly, could you provide step by step and detailed instructions, potentially with screenshots?

I attempted to use these, but again, to no avail. Thank you for the help, and is there any way to contact customer support to maybe solve this over the phone? Step by step for third thing? Do you mean the repair option that johnsonshiue indicated?

Also I need to provide a clarification on Johnson's 2nd suggestion.. When re-registering Inventor you need to run the command prompt as administrator or like this..

When CMD or command prompt appears in the list, right mouse click and select run as admin. Wait a few mins and restart Inventor. At this time you will not see anything occurring. Don't panic. However if you launch Windows task manager you can watch the Inventor. Mark Lancaster. Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it. How to re-register Inventor via Command Prompt. Thanks Mark. Lancaster for the Step-by-Step instructions and the other solutions.

Disabling these add-ins as I tried to, did not work. I have attached a screenshot showing what I did. Is this correct? I was hesitant to believe a lack of them loading is truly what you meant by disabling, and would like to clarify this is in fact what you meant.

I am sorry I almost run out of ideas now. Have you checked if. I have done both of these, and neither fixed the problem, as my Autodesk continues to catch on "Loading Feature Catalog Do you know what this feature catalog is in reference to, and where the files for this are located?

I know that Autodesk inventor does show this during the creation of a part, as we have access to working computers at school, however, it does continue to boot up and eventually work. I looked into it being a part of the content center libraries, but this solved nothing as well, due to my having all of the libraries, and my content center configuration is identical to the ones on the aforementioned school laptops.

Is there someone or someplace other than the forms that I could contact that would be able to assist me? And the solutions provided seem generic, like reinstalling files or checking to see if files are there.

It appears after talking to a few people more qualified than me at home or at school, that it appears to be a problem either in the coding, or in my files, and since it works well on other computers, I cannot imagine it is with the coder's responsibility. I would like to know what the process line by line for the creation of a new part is, and where my computer is failing on that list, compared to the computers at school.

I have attached my log file for anyone able to dissect it and inform me what the problems occurring in the process are. If I understood how this process works correctly, something is blocking Inventor to load certain dlls essential to running Inventor.

This is either your environment or your user account, which may not have anything to do with Inventor itself. This behavior is unusual. Please feel free to contact Autodesk Product Support for further assistance. Below is link to a prior thread with similar behavior. Where would these dll files be located?

I have seen that post, and went through all the potential solutions I could find, with no avail. I am unsure that my license is adequate for the Autodesk call help criteria, but I was hoping to solve the issue or know that's my last resort, due to it requiring a lot of hoops being jumped through. Did my log provide assistance as to diagnosing my problem? And if not, why?

I am hoping to contact someone who can correctly diagnose my problem, and either knows where I would go to find a solution or give me an actual solution. If that is likely on the phone, I guess that will be my next line of play. While setting that up, is there much I can do on my end? The deadline for my first assignment is soon, and I have spent more time trying to solve this than doing the actual assignment, due to it being such an unusual and time intensive problem.

The set of instructions provided in the first link did not solve my problem, although it did seem to make sense as to why it would be an issue there. My license is a student one, and I obtained it using the methods provided on the Autodesk website, so I can't imagine it's an anti-piracy measure. And as for the second link, it redirected me to the Autodesk Knowledge Network, so it did not provide adequate assistance.

Are there any other things that seemed to be an issue that can be attempted to be resolved within the log file I have given? So after analyzing the log file and trying to find out what the lines that mention "[error]" mean, I have been seeing its an issue with a redirect, which would make sense, as it is directing us to the next portion of the process.

The issue becomes solving this, as it seems like the programming itself has a solution that needs to be applied, yet I have no clue how to alter this programming, and what that could truly do. I hope someone can guide me through what I would need to do, as I feel this could be a correct answer, and it appears to be one of the only ones seemingly worthwhile at this time.

Website regarding code of program running into a similar issue, and solution. Another link to the same website, with a different problem. Inventor Forum. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics. Turn on suggestions. Once the process is done he can work with the drawing just fine so it seems to only happen during it's transitions. I've upgrade his video card driver to the latest as the one NVidia had was from but no change. I'd like to blame hardware as they're just using a GeForce but it's something that only started recently.

Go to Solution. Solved by kennyj. The "not responding" is a common occurrence within Inventor. I see it at work on Vault and at home on Vault.

It does not really mean anything except Inventor is too busy to answer Windows question of "are you still working? As to hardware, RAM is critical for loads and updating. I would check the client's station to ensure it has the minimum 24gb? On machines with more RAM this is less of an issue. Also, you should increase the Undo file size in Application Options if possible.

Further to kennyj's reply, the "Not responding" is a Windows thing. It was introduced after a lot of complaining on earlier OS's when there wasn't a way of telling if a program Inventor or otherwise was just taking a long time or stopped completely. Taking focus off the application and marking it as "Not responding" allows the user to pull up diagnostic tools like Task Manager, or switch to a different application until the other one finishes.

I checked event viewer but whatever is going on isn't enough to trigger an event. But thanks for the information. Just wanted to make sure I exhausted everything else before going the Hardware route.

The machine is just a 16g little guy so it may be that you're right and it's normal lag that is triggering windows to show the process as not responding until it comes back. I'm going to have him test with a small sample assembly and go from there. Will also look into the undo size to see about helping with performance. Inventor Forum. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Inventor topics. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.

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